Thursday, December 27, 2012

Table & Floor Lamps

In the so-called Lighting Industry January & February are known as 'lamp months' because table and floor lamps flourish when its dark earlier outside.

Our table and floor lamp offerings are the best ever so take a moment and do a little browsing.

Remember coupon code Saveme20 saves you 20% with a $150 minimum order. And code Saveme15 saves you 15% with a $100 minimum order



And have a Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Coupon Codes Good through 12-31-2012

We are still working the following coupon codes

Saveme20 - 20% discount - $150 minimum order
Saveme15 - 15% discount - $100 minimum order
Saveme10 - 10% discount - $50 minimum order

And the Holiday Bonus code:  Kichler25 - 25% discount - Kichler items only, $300 minimum order

Have a great Holiday Season

Nelson & Linda